Workabout Pro 4

Zebra Workabout Pro 4 - Warm Start, Cold Start, Clean Start, Boot to BooSt

Wie führe ich einen Zebra Workabout Pro 4 Warmstart durch?

  1. Press and hold down the [FN/BLUE] key and the [Power] button simultaneously for a minimum of four seconds.

Wie führe ich einen Zebra Workabout Pro 4 Kaltstart durch?

  1. Press and hold down the [FN/ORANGE] key, the [FN/BLUE] key, and the [Power] button, simultaneously for a minimum of four seconds.

Wie führe ich einen Zebra Workabout Pro 4 Clean Boot durch?

  1. Press and hold down the [FN/BLUE] key, the [Power] button and the [Front SCAN] key simultaneously for a minimum of six seconds.
  2. The Workabout Pro4 displays the Boot to BooSt menu. • On an alpha and QWERTY keyboard, type ".clean." • On a numeric keyboard, type ".25326."

Boot to BooSt

If you choose Boot to BooSt, the BooSt menu is loaded. 1. Press and hold down the [FN/BLUE] key, [Power] button and [Front SCAN] key for a minimum of four seconds. 2. Press [1] to launch the OS.

Sie benötigen Zebra MC55A0 Support?

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Details und Datenblatt finden Sie auf der Zebra Workabout Pro 4 Produktseite.